Before job search….work alongside community volunteers at the local food pantry, arts council, or hospital while learning new skills and practicing good work habits. This program focuses on developing the traits that employers want – dependability, honesty, and quality work performance. Take the time to improve your skills in this program.  This synergistic relationship helps get a job done that serves the greater good of the community while offering an opportunity for people to learn and gain skills to use in the work force.

Eligibility through OPWDD

You can read about Adam and Andy’s experience in the Prevocational program in Prevocational Services assists Interfaith Caregivers with Mailing



What job is for YOU?  This year-long program nurtures individuals through an intensive series of personal and career exploration activities to help answer that question. The process enables job seekers to discover their interests through work experiences that may lead to a job. Activities include interviews, observations, job readiness groups, and job shadowing/internships at local stores, hotels, retail sites, and businesses.  Through the person-centered planning approach, the individual uses all this information to determine their own personal goals and design a plan to successfully obtain employment.

Eligibility through OPWDD

Learning job skills at PreVoc Bingo


You aren’t sure what you want to do… Assessment includes vocational testing and/or community-based work experiences that provide information on personal interests, work habits, current skills, and potential barriers to employment.  Our preferred evaluation tool is the CareerScope, which identifies the individual’s interest in careers and measures aptitudes that are most critical for today’s high growth occupations.  CareerScope reports blend the interest and aptitude scores to direct the person to career choices that offer a stronger opportunity for success.

Work experience assessments place the person into actual work sites, performing real work tasks, on a short-term basis. This exposure provides the benefit of evaluating the person’s skills and work performance in that environment, and allows the person to gauge their interest in this career option.

Eligibility through ACCES-VR.



When you’re ready to ‘get hired’, you have two options:

Supported Employment – our experienced staff provide a full range of supports including job development and job placement assistance during the search phase; and job coaching and employer supports once you are employed.  We are a one-stop-shop with the resources you need to find and keep a job!  This is an intensive service provided 1:1 with the job seeker.

Job Placement provides short term assistance with job readiness activities, including resume development, interview practice, job search, and limited coaching supports at the work site as needed.  This service is for individuals who do not require long-term supports and are able to independently contact employers.

Wage reimbursement is available for both programs as a WTO –Work Try Out — through ACCES-VR.   The Employment Training Program is operated by OPWDD to provide long term wage support for individuals supported by OPWDD.

Eligibility through OPWDD or ACCES-VR.

Read more about the exciting employment opportunities through the Supported Program, in

Supported Employment makes a perfect blend at Union Tea Cafe on our blog.


301 N. Union Street, Ste. 201, Olean, NY 14760

716-375-4770 ext. 424 or 716-373-5322 ext. 300