A message from our CEO, Mari Howard. This is an exciting time at The ReHabilitation Center, brimming with many joys, successes and opportunities. Throughout our 60 years of service in Olean, Allegany, Salamanca and beyond, we have supported many thousands of people with disabilities and behavioral health concerns.
Quite simply, we could not have met the challenges inherent in this great work without the outstanding expertise and support of our gifted staff members, steadfast friends and supporters in the community who continue to allow us to touch so many lives.
Our goal is to continue to provide key services that have been at the heart of our mission since 1958. At the same time, we need to innovate, collaborate, evolve to grow our community.
There are many ways you can become part of the ReHabilitation Center community. Whether it's welcoming our agency into the web of support for your loved one; by joining our team as a staff member, volunteer or donor; advocating on their behalf in the face of sweeping changes in our field; or providing opportunities for people to live their best, most independent lives, we thank you for your interest and
involvement. Please browse our newly renovated site to access the information you need, or click here to contact us directly.
CEO, Mari Howard