Anxiety-The New “Common-Cold” of Mental Health?




By Tony Sowers, LMSW

Tony is a clinician in the Article 16 Clinic. He wrote the following article for the ReHab Center’s health and wellness monthly newsletter.


Paying bills. Our health. The economy. Common, everyday worry and anxiety can take many forms and everyone has things they are concerned about from time to time. Unfortunately for some people anxiety and worry can become an everyday, sometimes constant, struggle. The number of cases of anxiety disorders, which include among them generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and certain phobias, have steadily increased in the United States. In fact, they are close to unseating depression as the number one mental health issue in our country. Continue reading…

Power of the mind


Alyssa Richardson began her career with the Agency at the Children’s Learning Center.
Since, she has worked for several of the residences as a Direct Support Professional, including Hinsdale, Fall Road, Buffalo Road, Five Mile,  and now at Prospect Avenue where she’s worked since December, 2015. She is now med certified and working on a degree in nursing.
Continue reading…

A life rich with ideas

tim for blog storyA life rich with ideas

He’s beloved by the staff at Allegany’s Lifeskills. It could be that he’s a delightful philosopher, a deep thinker with a dry wit.

While Tim Barber lives with some challenges, his support within the agency helps him find ways to live his life the way he wants it to be.

“We want people to feel engaged and empowered,” Kim Baker Behavioral Health Services Manager and Tim’s advocate, said.

“We help people identify their strengths, and then, to apply those strengths to their interests.” Continue reading…