Nursing is a joy for residential LPN

Nursing is a joy for residential LPN

Carolyn Lawson 005 photoshoppedCarolyn Lawson worked for Olean General Hospital for 19 years before coming to the ReHab Center four years ago.  She thought she loved her job at the hospital until she met the people she cares for at the three residences where she’s an LPN.

“I love my job,” she said, matter-of-factly.  “It’s actually a job I truly enjoy.  I found my niche.”

She began at Hinsdale and then Big 6 was added, and more recently Fall Road joined her already busy schedule.

While Carolyn is working closer to 60 hours a week rather than her regular 40 hours, she’s happy for the extra hours. She rises at 3:30 am to be at Fall Road by 5 am to give meds. Despite the early hour, she looks forward to her day ahead. Continue reading…