Day Hab joins in on Olympic fun

As the Winter Olympics excitement came to a close last week, so did a special International project that our day hab program participated in. Each classroom, 11 in total, was given a country to focus on for two weeks in February. They decorated, learned, shared fun facts, made crafts, and dressed in the  colors of their respective location. There was no lack of creativity, as the rooms were decked out in Olympic medals, flags from around the world and educational facts.

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Creativity in Day Hab knows no limits

Smiling, bashfully, Johnny studied a Day Hab 004Facebook picture of his dog on Deena Holcomb’s cell phone.

“Go show your friends the picture of your dog,” Deena, who is a Day Hab DSP, said urging Johnny to interact with his Day Hab peers.

“Who’s that right here?” Deena continued, pointing to the picture on her phone in Johnny’s hands.

“Gigi,” Johnny whispered as a blush spread across his face.

The dinner-table kind of conversation moved on to Michelle who reported she’d listened to music the night before and ate spaghetti for dinner. And, Katie said she went for a long walk on the spring-like evening the night before. Nick reported he went to his mom’s house, watched TV and ate goulash and a salad. He added that weight control which included daily exercise was one of his goals.

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